Graphic-web-print designing glossary/dictionary of terms
These terms are commonly used in the graphic design
and website design world.
Acrobat Acrobat is part of a set of applications developed
by Adobe to create and view PDF files. Acrobat is used to create
the PDF files, and the freeware Acrobat Reader is used to read the
PDF files.
Aliasing In graphic design, aliasing occurs when a computer
monitor, printer, or graphics file does not have a high enough resolution
to represent a graphic image or text. An aliased image is often
said to have the "jaggies."
Alignment The positioning of a body of text. Text can
be positioned to the left, right, or "center" of a page.
For the best, consistent alignment, web site designers use tables
and Cascading Style
ALT-attribute Part of the image source tag in HTML. A good
web designer will always include text in all of your image sources
for two reasons: (1) if any of your visitors choose not to view
graphic images on your web pages, the alternative text will be shown;
and (2) if your visitors use Internet Explorer as their browser
and they leave the mouse over any graphic image, they will view
the text in your ALT-attribute.
Animated GIF A GIF graphic file, which consists of two or
more images shown in a timed sequence to give the effect of motion.
Animation Animation is the creating a timed sequence or
series of graphic images or frames together to give the appearance
of continuous movement.
Anti-Aliasing Smoothing or blending the transition of pixels
in an image. Anti-aliasing the edges on a graphic image makes the
edges appear smooth, not jagged.
Ascender The part of a lowercase letter that falls above
the body (x-height) of the letter. "b", "d",
"f", "h", "k" and "l" are
all examples of letters with ascenders.
ASP (Active Server Page) A dynamically generated web page, generally
using ActiveX scripting. When a browser or a search engine spider
requests an ASP page from a server, the server generates the web
page with HTML code and gives it to the browser or spider.
| A
| B | C
| D | E
| F | G
| H | I
| J | K
| L | M
| N | O
| P | Q
| R |
| S | T
| U | V
| W | X
| Y | Z