Graphic-web-print designing glossary/dictionary of terms
These terms are commonly used in the graphic design
and website design world.
Masthead A masthead is a graphic image placed on top
of a web page that tells end users what page they are on. Masthead
images can contain photos, text, shapes, and/or image maps.
Meta-tag Meta-tags are HTML tags that can be used to
identify the creator of a web page, what HTML specifications a web
page follows, the keywords and description of the page, etc. The
most common use of a meta-tag in online marketing is the keyword
and description tags, which tell the search
engines that index meta-tags what description to use in their
search query results.
Modem A modem (modulator/demodulator) is the hardware
required to connect telephone lines and is essential for dial-up
connections to the Internet.
Moire Pattern An undesirable pattern in color printing, resulting
from incorrect screen angles of overprinting halftones. Moire patterns
can be minimised with the use of proper screen
Mouseover A popular special effect for web graphics, generally
programmed in JavaScript,
that changes switches color or a graphic image when you place your
cursor over it. Mouseovers can also be used to trigger navigation
changes and pop-up windows.
Multimedia A form of communication combining text with
graphics, page layout, video, audio, animation, and so forth.
| A
| B | C
| D | E
| F | G
| H | I
| J | K
| L | M
| N | O
| P | Q
| R |
| S | T
| U | V
| W | X
| Y | Z